Sunday, October 18, 2009

Halloween Gore!

Halloween baking!!! I love cup cakes and I sure do love decorating!! Yay for Halloween goodies.

So i've tried to save as much money this year with Halloween. Trying to make as much of my own makeup as possible. I already had the EyeBrow Wax and Sealer. The Spirit gum and I had a few scars left over from a couple of years ago.  So, today I decided to dabble with the wax and latex. It was a bitch to take off since the skin on your face is so sensitive. But I'm glad I did  a test run because the night of I will know exactly what to do with it. Here is a pic of the wax and latex while it was drying. 
I had only cream makeup for any color I used today. I really need to go and get some powders. 2 reasons why: 1st reason it looks too shiny which comes off too fake 2nd reason it would be easier to smear and sweat off through out the night. 
So then It came time to apply the blood. I used Karo's corn starch. 5 drops of red food coloring, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue. At first I thought it was too brown. But I think it turned out a good color. The day of I'm going to apply everything much differently and then hopefully I will have gotten some contacts. Now I just have to figure our what kind of Zombie I will be.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Okay, so I finally watched the first movie from the book. " The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari " Director Robert Wiene.  Written by Hans Janowitz and Carl Mayer.  I took it over to watch with Dana, Roni and Collin. We caught ourselves doing many voice overs since it's a silent film, which gave us some good laughs. At times a bit slow but enjoyable none the less. Long movie short its about a somnambulist who can predict your future that is revealed by Dr. Calagari... strange murders happen while in the end Dr. Calagari is linked to a mental Asylum  and turns out the man telling the story is the nutty one. Next time i'll put more input on the movie. Not feeling so up to it tonight. I'm going to pretend Jenna was there for it. Jenna really loved the movie. She found her self so scared at times that she broke into a sweat while gripping the pillows around her. 

Tomorrow is going to be a long day, I'm kind of sick so I'm not looking forward to it. A lot to be taken care of and lately it seems like not enough time. Apparently, I just put a shitty cd into my computer and now its all funky. GA...RATE.

People! my DisneyLand pass is on it's way!!! I couldn't be more excited. We've been saying( Ron, Dan and I) we were going to get one for some time now. Glad it's actually happening. I told my nephew Gavin that I will be taking him when the baby is born. Im stoked. For both the baby and Disneyland with my pal. 

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hello Bloggers

So I finally created my own blog. Still getting the hang of how all of this works. But fun to say the least. Knowing myself I'll get bored of it in a few weeks and never sign on again. Jenna and I bought this book, "101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die" by Steven Jay Scneider 
We wanted to go out all  "Julie & Julia" style. Watching at least one of the movies once a week, in order of the book. Most likely going to Roni and Dana's place to watch it. In the end I'm sure I will dream up crazy things and become scared of the dark. 

Rae is coming down tonight. I haven't seen her since she was married in January. What a horrible friend I am. Tonight should be fun and I'm looking forward to it. But for now it's time to clean. I'd post a picture of this mess I call a room but in order to not make myself look like a giant slob I'll refrain from doing so.